If you choose By-the-sea Pet Care to look after your dog while you are away, he or she will live with us as part of our extended family.
We have been home boarding dogs at our home on the outskirts of Ayr since 2003. South Ayrshire is a great place for dogs with an abundance of fantastic walking. We tend to use the beaches at Ayr and Prestwick, the river Ayr at Auchincruive, the Carrick Hills and Culzean Castle
We have a large garden which is completely secured by 6-8 foot high walls or fences with gates that remain locked from the inside. Our home is also protected by CCTV so your dog is perfectly safe with us.
Over the years we have looked after dogs of all sizes, from Chihuahuas to German Shepherds, to Pugs, to Briards.
Your dog will be picked up from your home before you leave for your trip and returned back to you when you get home. Areas covered are Ayrshire, Renfrewshire, Lanarkshire and Glasgow
Before your dog's first visit you will be asked to complete a short questionnaire about your dog which will enable us to make his or her stay with us as close to home life as possible. For the protection of all of our customers all dogs must be fully vaccinated
We are licensed by South Ayrshire Council as a home boarding establishment
Long or short term care for your dog while you are away from home. No minimum or maximum stay.
The Garden
It can be stressful to board your pet. If you have any questions or concerns about how we make your pet's home away from home, please reach out. We will get back to you soon!
bytheseapetcare@hotmail.com bytheseapetcare.co.uk facebook.com/bytheseapetcare
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